Getting Familiar with the HypeDocs Lingo

Get familiar with some of the words we use through HypeDocs

We wanted to pull you into the world of HypeDocs and help get you familiar with our language. Keep checking back as we update this list with more words!

Goals are your basic building block and the best way of keeping track of your efforts and accomplishments. These could be work related or personal, and naturally, you are going to have more than one at a time.

Hypes mark your daily progress towards your goals. It’s that little moment of recognition, and celebration, of your daily achievements. These could be tiny personal wins like “I texted my accountant” or as public as “I ran my first 5k race”.

Pods are your accountability group, the people you share your goals and hypes with and those who celebrate you and encourage you on your way.

Boosts are daily messages that get sent to you to keep you focused on your goals or remind you of Hypes you've already accomplished 🎉

Aashni Shah is the founder and CEO of HypeDocs

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