Here's our guide on setting goals - and we promise it's not another lecture on setting S.M.A.R.T. goals!
If you’re expecting yet another goal setting explainer full of SMART puns, we’re about to rock your world - while it’s a great acronym, it was never based on a scientific theory OR backed by empirical evidence 🤯
So while goal setting is proved to improve the likelihood we’ll smash our goals, they don’t always need to be Specific, Measurable, Assignable etc etc…
So how should you go about using goal setting right ?
Choose something challenging and aspirational
Create a plan, paying attention to what could go wrong and how you’ll react if it does (foreshadowing failure has empirical evidence!)
Write it down, use HypeDocs to create a goal and smaller milestones towards it (we'll show you how below)
Share it with other people, create accountability for yourself, and lean on your supporters
Track every Hype - small or big - towards your goal! This is the exact type of positive reinforcement you need to keep you motivated and going!
Our aspirational goal is to democratize recognition, and we cannot wait to Hype you on yours 🎉
Here's how to add Goals through HypeDocs
Start with /hype add goal
Fill out everything you can about your goal. It's always great to share your goals with others as it makes you more accountable, though you also have the option of keeping a goal private because sometimes you're not ready to share them yet.